Monday, March 14, 2011

I really hate short posts

I really hate short posts so I thought I would put some short conversation's up.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: me bored
Stranger: hey.
You: me gandalf
Stranger: 0_o
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: omg
Stranger: Hey
Stranger: Asl?
You: guess what?
Stranger: What?
You: I found out something today
You: Im dying
You: I have AIDS
Stranger: Sitt!
Stranger: Shit*
You: :(
Stranger: How?
Stranger: STD ?
You: I dont know Im not a doctor your nob honker! >:(
You have disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: You have stumbled upon the entrance to our groupchat, which purpose is to get friendly and intelligent people from Omegle. If you want to enter, agree not being a jerk by writing "I agrŠµe".
You: I agree
Stranger: Correct! Now you are talking in the groupchat (
1. We are not on Omegle, not a single stranger and not IRC.
2. You don't need a nickname, your display name is Omegle.
3. If you behave well you may get a direct invitation.
4. Don't complain how confused you are, ask if you have other questions.
You: One question:
Stranger: Catboy, favorite color?
Stranger: Ask away, stranger.
You: no thats not it
Stranger: Blue, usually.
You: aha
You: well
You: My only question is :
You: is it email or atual omegle?
You: well?
Stranger: ?
You: pez?
You: catboy?
You: anyone?
Stranger: email?
Stranger: O_o
Stranger: Pez: did I miss your thingy? D:
Stranger: o_O
Stranger: Get thee gone, stranger.
You have disconnected.


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: horny 17 m
You: health warning
You: I have crabs
Stranger: shit really?
You: yeh
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

there you go :)
P.S. I'm talking more durin my posts now and not just the convos? yeh I thought so. oh well :)

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